Day 57 - Ride Like A Thriver

I think it's going to be a “No Ride Day” for a while.

Chuck slept okay during the night but definitely suffered a concussion. He was getting dizzy and nauseous when the nurses tried to sit him up. So he is taking a break from that activity.

Howie remains parked at the hotel with special permission and Hannah took a Lyft to the front entrance of the hospital.

Jax is happily finding crumbs under the breakfast table

Chuck's face is starting to dry out in a good way! I know y'all aren’t used to seeing him without his huge smile but he will get there! He is SOOOO thankful it wasn't worse.

Jax and Chuck are resting together happy to be together again.

Reverend Wilson stopped by to pray with us of course Chuck got to share his story.

And Yola made us smile!

It’s oneofthode days you’d rather stay inside but Jax had to go potty.

It’s POURING cats and dogs. Don’t tell Jax.

I filmed this view from the hallway while Chuck was in bed.

Physical therapy came by again at 2:30 and this happened:

And then he walked!

Praise God!!

I’m pretty sure they are both snoring.

Finally, a break from the constant visits (I think half of them are to see Jax!)

On Chuck's room door.

I love this. Sometimes we think we need to use ALL OF THE WORDS.

But simply sitting with a neighbor suffering from a recent stroke in an another room, holding their hand, and listening to them can speakHis love to them too.


Day 58 - Ride Like A Thriver


Day 56 - Ride Like A Thriver